Wisdom Teeth Removal Canberra
Wisdom Teeth (also known as THIRD MOLARS) are the last teeth to erupt within the mouth, coming through when the jaw is fully developed and when there is often too little space for more teeth. The lack of room in your mouth can often lead to wisdom teeth becoming impacted, where they try to come through underneath adjacent teeth, or they might try to push sideways through the gums.
When the Wisdom Teeth align properly, and the gum tissue is healthy, Wisdom Teeth DO NOT have to be removed. Unfortunately if this does not happen, the wisdom tooth extractions or removal of wisdom teeth is necessary when they are prevented from properly erupting within the mouth. Impacted Wisdom Teeth may grow sideways, partially emerge from the gum, or even remain trapped beneath the gum and bone. Impacted Wisdom teeth can take many positions in the bone as they attempt to find a pathway that will allow them to erupt successfully.
If Wisdom teeth are poorly positioned and impacted, they can cause many dental problems. When partially erupted, the opening around the tooth allows bacteria to grow and will eventually cause an infection or dental abscess. The resulting dental trauma can include gum or face swelling, jaw stiffness & severe tooth pain.
The pressure from the erupting wisdom tooth may move other teeth and disrupt natural alignment of teeth. The most serious problem occurs when tumours or cysts form around the impacted wisdom tooth, resulting in the destruction of the jawbone and healthy teeth. Removal of the offending impacted tooth or teeth usually resolves these dental problems. Early removal of Wisdom Teeth is recommended to avoid such future problems and to decrease the surgical risk involved with the tooth removal procedure. Our Gungahlin Dentists can evaluate the position of the wisdom teeth and predict if there may be future problems as early evaluation and appropriate treatment result in a better outcome for our patients. Patients are generally first evaluated in the mid-teenage years by our lovely Canberra Dentists at Northside Family Dental.
Signs to look for when experiencing wisdom teeth pain or infection or abscess:
-Swelling of the gums around the tooth
-Bad taste & Bad breadth
-Redness, tenderness & Jaw pain
-Cysts which are pockets of liquid, around the tooth.
-Swelling of the lymph nodes in the neck
-Difficulty moving your jaw to open and close your mouth
Below are some FAQ’s:
When does wisdom tooth appear in the oral cavity?
WISDOM TOOTH is the last tooth to appear on each corner in a person’s mouth around the age of 18 to 25 years generally.
Why does wisdom tooth not erupt completely for some?
Not all will get to see a wisdom tooth scientifically called THIRD MOLAR in their mouth or at times may appear only partially. This is because of the changes in jaw size which varies in every person.
Why do some have severe pain during eruption of wisdom tooth?
When a wisdom tooth tries to enter into a smaller sized jaw, it causes pain. This may present as difficulty in opening the mouth.
What happens if the partially erupted tooth is not treated?
Sometimes the tooth may only appear partially and covered by the gums. Food particles may get accumulated and cause decay of the tooth as it is difficult to access while brushing. Thus infection under the gums may present as pus formation and causing severe tooth pain and dental abscess.
Below are few indications for Wisdom Teeth Removal:
- Ulceration of the gums
- As part of an orthodontic treatment plan
- To protect adjacent molars from future dental damage
- Gum (Periodontal) disease & associated pathology
- Persistant food trapping
- Recurrent infection or toothpain around the back of the mouth
- Tooth Decay
- Prior to orthognathic surgery
- Prior to a professional career in contact sports
- Prior to overseas defence or diplomatic deployment
- Physical dental trauma to the jaw
We strive to keep the Wisdom Tooth Removal Cost Canberra affordable to our patients and varies based on numerous factors that may be involved such as the effort involved in pulling the tooth out, sectioning of the tooth, surgically cutting into the bone or gums and the type of the tooth impaction leading to the nature of the complexity procedure involved for the Wisdom Tooth Extraction Canberra or Wisdom Tooth Removal Canberra.
If post-wisdom tooth removal pain persists for an unusually long period of time (3 days +) and becomes intense, you may have what is known as ‘dry socket’, a condition which affects 2-5% of people after having a tooth removed.After a tooth is pulled, a hole or a ‘socket’ results in the place where the tooth was once lodged.
During the healing process, a blood clot forms in this socket which aids in healing and protects the nerve and bone below. This is typical of a normal and healthy healing process.
Dry socket is the result of this blood clot becoming dissolved or dislodged in the days following the tooth extraction. When this happens, the bone and nerve of the jaw is exposed to air, food, fluid and everything else that enters the mouth.
The best way to avoid dry socket is by being aware of basic prevention strategies, and adhering to them. Its in your best interest to be aware of how to avoid dry socket, so please follow these post your Wisdom Tooth Extraction:- Do not drink fluid from straws until fully healed as this will dislodge the blood clot
– Avoid smoking & drinking until fully healed
– Maintain exceptional oral hygiene post surgery as directed by our Wisdom Tooth Extraction Dentists
– Avoid extremely hot or cold fluids post surgery (as they can dissolve the blood clot)
Get in touch with our Canberra Dentists immediately, as they will clean out the socket, removing any debris, redress and fill the hole with a special gauze.Frequently asked question is how much is a Wisdom tooth removal cost or Wisdom tooth extraction cost or cost of Wisdom tooth extraction or cost of Wisdom tooth removal in Canberra?
The cost of Wisdom Teeth extraction or Wisdom Teeth removal can range from $250 to $550 per tooth which is variable depending on the top or bottom location of the wisdom tooth, access difficulty, duration of the tooth to go numb with the local anaesthetic and the surgical complexity such as sectioning of the tooth etc which all contribute towards the cost of the wisdom tooth removal / extraction procedure in Canberra.